Mycenae Museum

Museum Tickets

(The price of the ticket includes visit in the Archaeological Site of Mycenae)


1/11-31/3 : 6.00 € (reduced 6.00€)

1/4 -31/10 : 12.00 (reduced 6.00€)

(For university students from overseas and citizens of EU over the age of 65)

Entrance is free for university students from EU and children below the age of 18)

Days of free entrance:

28th of October, 6th of March, 18th of April, 18th of May, 5th of June, last weekend of September, first Sunday of every month from 1st of November until 31st of March.

Dates Hours
 01/09 – 15/09  08:00  19:30
 16/09 – 30/09  08:00 – 19:00
 01/10 – 15/10  08:00 – 18:30
 16/10  08:00 – 18:00
 01/11 – 30/11  08:00 – 17:00
 01/04  08:00 – 19.00
 20/04   08:00 – 20:00

Archaeological sites and Museums are closed on:*1st of January

*25th of March

* Easter Day

*1st of May

*25th-26th of December


The Archaeological Museum of Mycenae can be found at the entrance to the ancient ruins of the city of Mycenae, only a few metres away from the fabled Lion Gate, and near the historically important citadel. The construction of the museum came from an idea set out by the late archaeologist Giorgos Mylonas who was a member of the Greek Archaeological Society until his death. The groundworks for the museum began in 1985 but the museum construction was not fully complete until 2003 when it opened to the public.

The museum floor covers a surface area of a little over 2,000 square metres and is spread across three levels. Inside the museum you’ll find many artefacts from excavations undertaken at the ancient site as well as important archaeological pieces from across Greece. A large part of the building is used for storage and working on findings, with only three rooms over two levels being used as exhibition rooms.

The exhibits found at the museum represent a wide range of time periods from the Copper Period of around 5,000 B.C. to 3,000 B.C., to the Hellenistic period of around 2,000 B.C. The museum includes around 2,500 exhibits, including jewellery, ceramic vases, wall paintings, weapons, and tools. 

While it is true that many of the most important artefacts recovered from Mycenaean culture are exhibited at the larger and more renowned National Archaeological Museum in Athens, the Mycenae Archaeological Museum still has a wide variety of impressive objects, trinkets, and ornaments contained within its three halls. 

It’s safe to say that no tour of the archaeological site is complete without a visit to the museum to allow you to put into context the impressive sights of this once amazing city.

How did the building of the museum come about?

The Mycenae archaeological site has been a rich source of historical information and artefacts for many years. But with many of the findings shipped away to various museums and private collections, a need to build a museum near the ruined city to store and exhibit items became imperative by the early 1980s. Georgios E. Mylonas had worked at the site for many years and, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, proposed the location of the museum building on the northern slope of the city near the Lion Gate, so visitors could easily access the building after completing a tour of the old city.

The aim of the building’s design was to harmoniously integrate its aesthetic into the wider natural surroundings as well as provide easy storage, conservation, and a way to study the many finds as well as giving exhibition space for public viewing. The museum’s construction began in 1984 and was completed in 1997. The next five years were used to inaugurate the museum with over 35,000 artefacts, 2,500 of which were placed on display in the three exhibition rooms.  

How is the museum set out?

The museum has a total of four galleries that are arranged over two different levels. Visitors travel through the exhibit following a circular route. The upper level includes a vestibule that offers a superb view of the archaeological site as well as an array of educational material that explains some of the impressive history of the area. The first gallery, also on the second floor, shows a collection of finds that detail Mycenaeans’ public and private activities. The second level of exhibits is devoted to the kingdom of the dead, and includes finds from the royal Grave Circle B, as well as other cemeteries and tombs. The next section of the museum is dedicated to Mycenaean history, and the tour finishes with an exhibit highlighting the achievements of the Mycenaean civilization.

What exhibits can be seen in the museum?

Mycenae’s history is a rich one, and the museum includes many finds from both important periods and important people in the area. In one exhibition room you can see a copy of the Golden Mask of Agamemnon, a grave mask found in the Treasury of Atreus. The original funeral mask was made of pure gold and is thought to have been worn by the legendary King when he was buried. Agamemnon, as you may recall from history lessons or movies, was the King in Mycenae in about 13th century B.C. and led his troops into battle with the Trojans before famously breaching Troy with a wooden horse stuffed with soldiers. Unfortunately, the actual funeral mask is not in the museum at Mycenae and can be found at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. The copy, however, is still a sight to behold. 

The second level, dedicated to the dead of Mycenae, includes many funerary items. Amongst the exhibits found here you will see an impressive array of fine quality ceramic items as well as a selection of beautiful jewellery. 

The third exhibition room you pass through, dedicated to civilization, religion, science, art, and trade, includes a selection of ancient tools and items that Mycenaeans would have used in their day to day life.

To help you on your tour, audio guides are available on request in English, Greek, French and German. These guides are a great way to learn about each exhibit and understand the value and context they provide to Mycenaean life.

Is it worth visiting?

In short, yes. The Archaeological Museum of Mycenae is an invaluable accompaniment to any visit to Mycenae and provides a helpful insight into an amazing, and historically rich region of Greece.